Home, NYC.
Siblings are often a reflection of some part of you.
Being home often allows me to spend a lot more time with my younger sister, and although I don't show it too much, I really love that. When it comes to siblings, there are tons of pros and cons, and some outweigh the other. But no matter what, you both are somewhat a reflection of each other. There's some part of you that's in the other, and some part of the other that's in you. As much as I fight with her, I'll always unconditionally love her, and I'm learning to get to know the things that make up who she is, apart from being my sibling.
If you follow me on Instagram (@cafechild), you'll know that my sister made these oatmeal raisin cookies because we had the ingredients lying around. Little things like this, I've learned to appreciate and be proud of.
Never downplay what your relationship could be like with your siblings. If you see an opportunity to really get closer, or to start a nice conversation, go for it, because our siblings are often the ones that we spend most of our time around. Don't neglect your step/half-siblings either. You may have a lot more in common than you think. If you're related to me and you're reading this, I love you, and never forget that.
Photo by Kyle.
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