Cafes | Press Tea - Food Ver.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Press Tea, West Village, NYC.

It took a bit of time for me to have this up, but here it is. When I visited Press Tea they let me sample some of the things they offer there, and they really didn't disappoint!

Like I wrote in my last post about this place, they make everything in house, and all of their pastries/baked goods are "mostly organic" as it says on the labels.

See more photos and read about what I had after the jump!

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Rose Black Tea Cappuccino

I started out with drinks, saw this on the menu and had to get it. I love rose, and black tea as well, and knowing that all of their tea has a deep flavour, I went for it. The moment you take the first sip, you can taste the rose instantly, and it's not too overwhelming. It's just enough so that you know that it's rose, and not just a black milk tea. Ever since trying it, I've been hooked and always order this whenever I visit.

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Ramenritto (Ramen & Burrito) Bowl

When I first heard about this and saw them making it, I was pleasantly surprised, but not surprised at the same time, only because I've seen and heard of more shocking combinations. I don't currently know of any other place that combines ramen with burritos, and I was expecting this multitude of clashing flavours, but it all went well together. They definitely don't skimp out on this and really pack it with ingredients and toppings. If you're not into Asian-Mexican fusion, this is still something interesting to try out!

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Paleo Doughnut & Jasmine Green Tea Cookie

Finishing off with some dessert, I couldn't wait to try their pastries. The jasmine green tea cookie tasted amazingly floral and as if you were drinking a nice deep cup of jasmine tea. You get the flavour right away and it's definitely not subtle at all. The paleo doughnut really shocked me, because, for something that's sugar and dairy free, it tasted really good. The chocolate glaze on top adds a necessary sweetness to provide an overall balance, and doesn't taste like something gluten-free and vegan. It kind of smelled like carrot cake, and was softer than I thought. I would really recommend trying these out, if anything just because they're so interesting and really play with your tastebuds.


Photos by Kyle.


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